RadioMax Blog

Advertising & Digital Radio

Written by Kelsey Danca | Oct 3, 2018 6:25:44 PM

The Future of Digital Radio Advertising

As we mentioned in our last blog, online radio continues to grow and become a powerful resource in today’s world. As the third most popular medium in the U.S., radio continues to evolve, allowing online radio to play an increasing role in advertising options.

With the surge in online radio users, and the increase in the amount of hours people spend streaming online radio, advertisers now have a huge opportunity to spend more money on these assets – one that reaches potential consumers in real-time.

Streaming radio has now shifted to a mobile experience, and has actually proved to be the most mobile of digital media consumption, reports xappmedia. Prior to listeners having the ability to download an app and listen, most consumed radio while in the car.  Now, with apps being available on mobile devices, advertisers can reach consumers and almost anytime – even times when people are “unreachable”, aka multitasking.

Statista shows an increasing trend in radio spending, with the projected amount to reach an excess of $18.8 billion by 2021.

And, according to, by 2021 it is projected that nearly 50% of advertising dollars spent will be on digital media, which makes an app like RadioMax an attractive option.


What can RadioMax offer?

RadioMax offers a custom mobile solution for independent radio, connecting listeners to stations all over the county (and even the world). Not only does the app have the ability to allow users to interact with other listeners and the DJs, there is the ability to engage with station social media and even contesting, where our SmartAd Technology can be utilized.

By creating a visual & interactive “smart ad”, RadioMax is able to encode a silent trigger for the ad to appear simultaneously alongside produced audio spots on the station’s mobile app. Not only does this allow the listener to react in real-time, it is also measurable.  More can be seen here!